Jumat, 29 Agustus 2008

The Lesson of Life…

In the 10 grade, I felt that Character Building was a very boring lesson and I didn’t like it so much…

Also, the teacher always lectured my class every single week and I felt that I didn’t study anything from that lesson (just listened the teacher lectured my class)…

At that time, I always thought that the teacher always teach us about attitude and character but she herself didn’t have good attitude by lecturing my class every single week without know the situation (I’m really sorry about that, but I really think that was not my class’ fault. That was because of the afternoon period made us really sleepy and not concentrated anymore)…

But NOW in the 11 grade, I really love character building and also the teacher (the study period for character building not in the afternoon anymore!!)…


Because I can learn more about various things that are really useful in my life later…

The teacher always tells about interesting stories that have really deep meaning inside that…

The teacher said that she also still study from the material that she give to my class because she realize that she still hasn’t got perfect character…

I surprised because I think all the teacher always think that he/she is the person that know everything in the class better that the students…

But, not for her…

I think Character Building is the most useful subject than the others (Math, Physics and many more) because Character Building is a lesson of life…

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