Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008


When I bought a Gogirl magazine (the best magazine ever for me) this month, there’s an article about dreams...

For me, it is really interesting and useful…

I’ll write several points that I get from that article…

Dream is really important to decide our way in our life

So, we have to decide our dreams from now and start to pursue them

There are no dream that too big to be true, so just dream as high as you can

Whatever it is, just state in your mind : “I want to …..”

Always have positive mind… Just think that you can reach your dream whatever it is…

Break all your problem and border that can obstruct your way to your dreams

We have to know our potentials and know about ourselves

Do not care to others’ opinion about your dreams because those are only small interrupt that means nothing…

Just continue dreaming; be sure and believe that can be true

Just think that dream is a place… And there’s must be a ways to reach that place…

You have to really know what’s your dream and follow the best path to be there

Keep yourself motivated… Can be by encouraging quotes or inspiring books… (Or for me, it can be a song)

Be sure with your mind, heart, and with all of your cells in your body that you can reach your dream

I think dreams are really important in life…

Because without dreams, we won’t know what direction that we want to go…

But, don’t just dream it, but also we have to do a lot of effort to reach it…

(ps : Thank’s to Gogirl Magazine… I’ve studied a lot from that magazine… Just try to buy it…)

2 komentar:

Captain Candy mengatakan...

yeah.. i am agree with u..
GoGirl Magazine is the best magazine ever..
It talks not only about fashion but also build our personality through its smart article..

just try to read it..

stacia stefani mengatakan...

Yeah that's right Kartikaa....

I couldn't agree moree...
