Senin, 01 September 2008


Yesterday at church, I played drum with my band ( Jonathan, Kevin, WA ) for the service...

Kevin plays Keyboard, WA and Jonathan play bass and electric guitar ( and also Raynald, but he was sick yesterday )...

And me myself play drum...

In Saturday, we did some exercises and it took really long time...

In Sunday morning, I was a little bit late arrived at church because of my sister ( she took a long time to dress!! )...

And I played drum with very sleepy eyes because I lacked of sleep the night before...

So, I wasn't really concentrate at some songs...

And also, the person on the back ( you'll know if you're the member of my church ), made me nervous and I played drum with half of the ordinary loudness that I usually play...

He will lecture me if I play so loud!!

No need to know actually...


ps : Sorry for Kevin, Jona and WA... I didn't play well yesterday... Hohohooo....

2 komentar:

W A mengatakan...

I played so bad for yesterday service..
Band and song leader couldn't be synchronized well..
I hope our next service will be better.
I'm sure we can do it well later.

stacia stefani mengatakan...

I really felt that I played bad...
I'll try to do better in the others services...