Rabu, 17 September 2008

Be One...


The only word that can explain my feeling


That I imagine can be so extensive

To be with him

To stare at his innocent face

To adore his kindness

To listen to his sweet voice


Before he knows

What exactly I feel with him

And also

Before I know

What exactly he feels with me

He goes

To a foreign land

Where the whole thing is totally different

More than billion miles separating us

Without know when he will return

He’s there

I’m here

Just distance that we face

Don’t know what can make us reunite

Just miracle

And God’s wish

That can make us

Be one

I make this poem because this afternoon at IP something reminds me again with my first love…

Thing that makes me feel so regret with the past time…

I really don’t know what he feels to me!!

Actually before this, I really want to forget him, because in my opinion it almost impossible for me and him to be one and maybe meet again…

So sad…T.T

Ps : This is the first poem that I make and actually I don’t know how to make a good poem… The words in this poem are really simple… But this poem is really shows what I feel now and before I tried to forget him…

3 komentar:

trespasser mengatakan...

it's no matter whether it's a good poem or bad one.. the most important is your feeling now which is in the poem...

Like it ^^....

sheila... mengatakan...

good job, stay....
nothing can separate a true love...
good luck...

P.S : untung g ngomong stay...
tadinya teh g ga mau ngomong...
tapi g teh mulutnya gatel pengen ngomong, ga tahan nyimpenin rahasia itu lagi...

hehehehehehe... >.<
gud luck...

stacia stefani mengatakan...

That poem really show what I feel...
Thank's She-i, because you've already told me about the truth...