Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

Refreshing Day....


For me, today is a refreshing day...

I refresh my brain after 5 days working hard at school....
Because Saturday has already become holiday, I can do what I want which I can not do in the last 5 days...
Today, I've been browsing for 4 hours and now, my eyes are only 2 Watt left.... Almost close... Heheheeee...

I opened friendster and reply all of my friends comments, especially from my LA homestay's friends...
I really miss them so much...

Then, I sent an e-mail for my Spanish friend, Laura and said how she is doing... Laura and I become a friend because we stayed in the same house and also in the same room when I took homestay program at Bakersfield, CA....
You know, Laura also love to read Japanese comic books, such as Detective Conan and Cardcaptor Sakura and we talked a lot about it when I still stayed in my host family's house...

After that, I also sent an e-mail to my host-mom ( when I took homestay program ), Rebecca Herrera...
I miss her and her family so much.... I had a really great time with them....

All of all, when I wanted to stop browsing, Arianto suddenly sign in in my msn and we had a chat for about 15 minutes....
He wanted me to look the picture of the girl that he likes at friendster and also add her...
He wanted me to tell him what's my opinion about her....
Beside of that, Arianto also sent me Sherk's song which is really nice...

I think that's all what I did for refresh my brain....

Now, I am very very sleepy...
I almost fell asleep when I was typing this blog.... Hueheheee....

OK then...

Good night...
Have a nice dreams...



I can make this blog....
It was quite hard to make it because it was the first time I make such this blog....

Actually...., I don't want to make this blog....
But, my English teacher, Ma'am Elizabeth Lawira made an assignment for the students to make a blog and post a message twice a month...
So, it is my duty to make a blog and post two message every month, because if not, I will not get any mark for my assignment mark...
To be honest, I don't really understand what should I write in this blog....

OK, I think that's all for my first posting.....

Just wait for the other.....